Shoot-It-Out Sunday #1



Now that I have your attention, let’s begin.…



As millenials, most of grew up watching Mahabharat on TV and reading tales of righteouness in MagicPot comics. But seldom have we questioned the validity and the need for such rigorous reinforcement of moral values. Now that we’ve grown up, we decided to take a look back and what we found was revolting. Join us as we investigate the cornerstone of a “civilized” society- distinction between the good and the bad.

We looked up the use of morals and all of it’s synonyms and were astonished to find that all of them pointed to the same definition- to distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong,etc.But here’s the problem- definitions of right and wrong vary according to time and place! To put that into perspective,remember that child marriages were accepted a few years ago, but they’re now a taboo. So the definition’s as good as an employer telling his employee that his salary is “x”. Period. Soo, what’s the deal here? Is morality simply a buggy android app that needs daily updates? So the whole foundation of morality and by extension, humanity is laid on one wobbly jenga block? Seriously? And this is where we get to the crux of the issue – as Nietsche aptly put it- the banality of good and evil. How and why do we define morality? And is it truly beneficial to the world as a whole or just one species?

Simply put, morals are hedonistic, man is not. Morals are usually formed by uninformed individuals due to selfish motives in order to aid survival, but inter-dependence is never accounted for properly. Hence, we end up with a narrow minded set of rules that the society deems “acceptable” and voila, one serving of shitty morals is ready to be dished out. The problem stems not from one categorizing stuff as good or bad, but rather from defining one socially “accepted” thing as good and shoving the rest into the bad category. Think of it, even issues as complex as the “engineer/doctor” crisis arise from this method of classification. And worst kind of issues arise because of those who’ve got their morals mixed up with handbag shopping and tend to argue about the shades of grey in between, coz you won’t do 20% of a bad task and finish it off with 80% good, you go all the way !

What’s the answer you ask? Simple- STOP using the words good and bad. Just refrain from using them. A girl/boy who doesn’t practice abstinence isn’t a sleaze and people who lie aren’t monsters. If you really have to, do the stuff that you KNOW will have a positive impact, like helping someone or planting trees,etc, just don’t classify any task arbitrarily as a good/bad thing to do.And most importantly, don’t hesitate to do something beneficial to the society just because it is deemed unacceptable or “bad”, you never know what the next update might change. Remember,

A lie in time saves eleven (sometimes)

Till then,
Sayōnara, subarashī tsuitachi o !

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